Rocket Docs



To shadow/override this theme, you will need to place your files into src/@rocketseat/gatsby-theme-docs folder.

If you don't know what shadowing is, or have questions about it, check this tutorial from the Gatsby documentation.

If you want to change the logo just create the following file:

import React from 'react';
export default function Logo(props) {
return (
<svg width={180} height={34} viewBox="0 0 180 34" fill="none" {...props}>
d="M37.504 9.983c-1.515 0-2.763 1.204-2.763 2.723v11.521h2.763v-11.52h6.589V9.982h-6.589zM60.566 17.079V12.68c0-1.492-1.222-2.723-2.763-2.723h-8.927c-1.515 0-2.764 1.204-2.764 2.723v8.798c0 1.492 1.223 2.723 2.764 2.723h8.927c1.515 0 2.763-1.205 2.763-2.723v-4.4zm-2.763 0v4.399h-8.927V12.68h8.927v4.399zM66.093 9.983c-1.515 0-2.764 1.204-2.764 2.723v8.798c0 1.492 1.223 2.723 2.764 2.723l9.724-.13v-2.593h-9.724v-8.798h9.724v-2.592l-9.724-.131zM91.655 9.983H87.91l-5.474 5.734h-1.089V9.983h-2.763v14.218h2.763v-5.76H82.94l5.686 5.76h3.8l-7.307-7.436 6.536-6.782zM95.77 21.478V18.44l11.692-.13v-5.63c0-1.492-1.223-2.723-2.764-2.723h-8.927c-1.515 0-2.763 1.204-2.763 2.723v8.798c0 1.492 1.222 2.723 2.763 2.723l11.691-.131v-2.592H95.771zm0-8.798h8.928v3.037h-8.927V12.68zM114.396 5.82h-1.063l-1.7 2.069v2.068h-2.099v2.723l2.099-.026v8.824c0 1.493 1.222 2.723 2.763 2.723l4.464-.13v-2.593h-4.464v-8.85l4.862-.079V9.957h-4.862V5.82zM133.819 18.44c0-1.492-1.223-2.723-2.764-2.723h-6.961V12.68h9.725v-2.592l-9.725-.131c-1.514 0-2.763 1.204-2.763 2.723v3.037c0 1.493 1.222 2.723 2.763 2.723h6.961v3.038h-9.724v2.592l9.724.13c1.515 0 2.764-1.204 2.764-2.722V18.44zM148.246 9.983h-8.928c-1.514 0-2.763 1.204-2.763 2.723v8.798c0 1.492 1.222 2.723 2.763 2.723l11.691-.13v-2.593h-11.691v-3.037l11.691-.131v-5.63c0-1.518-1.222-2.723-2.763-2.723zm0 5.734h-8.928V12.68h8.928v3.037zM165.463 9.983l-11.691.13v2.593h11.691v3.037l-11.691.131v5.63c0 1.492 1.222 2.723 2.763 2.723h8.928c1.514 0 2.763-1.204 2.763-2.723v-8.798a2.759 2.759 0 00-2.763-2.723zm0 11.495h-8.928V18.44h8.928v3.038zM175.138 12.628l4.862-.079V9.957h-4.862V5.794h-1.063l-1.7 2.068v2.069h-2.099v2.723l2.099-.026v8.824c0 1.492 1.222 2.723 2.763 2.723l4.463-.131v-2.592h-4.463v-8.824z"
d="M27.434.662l-4.49-.655a.389.389 0 00-.319.079l-1.913 2.46a.593.593 0 00-.106.55c.053.184-.106.341-.292.315l-1.568-.34a.657.657 0 00-.664.235l-6.217 7.855c-.107.157-.32.21-.505.131l-2.365-1.047a.62.62 0 00-.637.052l-1.196.812a.669.669 0 01-.664.052l-.585-.288a.666.666 0 00-.93.42l-.425 1.858c-.106.445.08.89.478 1.126l.904.55 2.896 1.754 1.408.864c.399.236.903.184 1.249-.104l2.364-2.043c.186-.157.479-.21.691-.078l.718.366a.61.61 0 00.717-.104l1.196-1.1a.618.618 0 01.69-.105l1.78.812c.266.13.585.052.771-.183l.824-1.048 6.244-7.881a.636.636 0 00-.372-1.021l-1.382-.314c-.292-.053-.425-.42-.213-.629l2.153-2.644c.212-.315.08-.655-.24-.707zM6.843 16.529c-.133-.078-.266.052-.213.183l.664 1.728c. 2.252c-. 1.283c.16.105.372.105.505-.026l1.754-1.52c.106-.078.239-.13.345-.156l1.993-.21c.133-.026.186-.21.053-.288l-6.35-4.032zM6.258 22.342a.43.43 0 00-.398-.052l-1.408.68c-.08.026-.133.105-.186.184l-3.003 7.305v.052c. 33.889c-. 0 00.133-.261l.159-1.99a.43.43 0 00-.133-.315l-1.807-1.361z"

If your logo is a png, you could use it like this:

import React from 'react';
// Path to the logo file on your project
import rocketseatLogo from 'assets/logo.png';
const Logo = () => (
<img src={rocketseatLogo} alt="Rocketseat logo" style={{ width: 180 }} />
export default Logo;

Changing the home text

Create a file at src/docs/index.mdx with the text. Next, add the homePath: 'src/home' setting in the plugin options. Example:

# Introduction
My awesome project!
import Navigation from '@rocketseat/gatsby-theme-docs/src/components/Docs/PostNav';
label: 'Installation',
link: '/installation',

Changing theme colors

We use Emotion for theming. To change the theme colors, create a file under src/@rocketseat/gatsby-theme-docs/styles/theme.js.

Remember that you need to restart your server to see the update.

export default {
colors: {
primary: '#8257E6',
background: '#FFFFFF',
shape: `#F2F2FA`,
title: `#3D3D4D`,
text: `#6C6C80`,
components: {
blockquote: {
background: `#332616`,
text: `#E1E1E6`,

Changing the font family

You can also change the default font family of the theme.

To do this, create a file under src/@rocketseat/gatsby-theme-docs/styles/theme.js (or add to the existing default object if you already started customizing the theme).

export default {
fonts: {
fontFace: {
family: 'Roboto',
file: '/fonts/roboto-regular-webfont',
body: 'Roboto',

The fontFace property will define the name of the font family for later use, while the file property will provide the path and file name of the font files.

Font files should be placed in the static folder in the root of the project (or a subfolder therein, eg. fonts), and their path specified accordingly.

└── static
└── fonts
├── roboto-regular-webfont.eot
├── roboto-regular-webfont.svg
├── roboto-regular-webfont.ttf
├── roboto-regular-webfont.woff
└── roboto-regular-webfont.woff2

Adding elements to React Live scope

By default we add some elements to React Live Scope. If you need to add more, just shadow the following file:

import { mdx } from '@mdx-js/react';
import { css, jsx } from '@emotion/react';
export default {

If you want to know more about Scope, check this explanation.

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